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Q: What did Ben Franklin notice about the behavior of positive and negative charges?
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How did Benjamin Franklin discover positive and negative charges?

Benjamin Franklin is famous for his experiments with electricity. Unfortunately, records don't contain a particular experiment where he discovered positive and negative charges.

What year did ben Franklin prove there are negative and positive charges?

go die

Who first identified the two electrical states and gave them the names negative and positive charges?

Benjamin Franklin.

Does current electricity have positive and negative charges?

No electric charges may be positive or negative - electrons have a negative charge; ions have a positive charge.

When there is full of negative charges in a jar are there going to be negative charges?

No there are not going to be negative charges there are going to be positive charges!!!!

Does wool have a negative or positive charge?

both because every object has both positive and negative charges but mainly has positive charges.

How can water be a neutral molecule but still have positive and negative chargers on it?

It is because it has positive charges (from 2 H) and negative charges (from O), that the charges balance out (negative + positive = neutral) (2H+) + (O2-) -----> H2O

What is the difference between positive and negative electric fields?

Positive electric fields attract negative charges while negative electric fields attract positive charges.

Are nonmetals positive or negative?

Nonmetals have negative charges.

Why charge always directed from ive to-ive?

Charge is always directed from positive to negative because positive charges repel each other and attract negative charges. This convention was established by Benjamin Franklin, who assigned positive charge to the lack of electrons (which are negatively charged), creating a standardized direction for current flow.

Do positive objects contain only positive charges?

No. A positive ion merely has more positive charges (protons) than negative charges (electrons).

What are the three charges?