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Q: What did Blade Mzimande say today in parliament in his budget speech?
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What is the of the type of blade that pierces Frodo's shoulder?

Community Answer 1Frodo was pierced by a Morgul-blade, wielded by the Witch-King. In Sindarin, môr is darkness or night; gûl is perverted or evil knowledge, sorcery, or necromancy. Mor also means black in black speech. You may find reference that gul means wraith, but that has been added by some seeking to expand black speech beyond what Tolkien created._____________________________________________Community Answer 2This kind of blade is called a Morgul Blade.

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What part of speech is edge?

Noun: Standing on the edge Adjective: The edge of the blade Me thinks.

What noun is used with a blade of?

The most common nouns that may be used with 'a blade of' may be a 'blade of grass' or a 'blade of steel'. There are other terms for a blade, for example the blade of a knife, the blade of a razor, or the blade of a lawnmower, etc.However, the noun 'blade' can also be used in an abstract context, for example:He wields the blade of power while I wield the blade of labor.

Who played blade in blade trinity?

Wesley Snipes, he played blade in all of the Blade movies.

Why does synecdoche belong to figures of speech?

The term itself refers to a particular kind of figure of speech, that of the general referring to the specific or the specific referring to the general. As an example, a person might refer to his car as "my wheels." A warrior in centuries past could call his sword "my steel" or "my blade."

What nicknames does Robert Blade go by?

Robert Blade goes by Blade.

What are the designations of a three-prong plug?

On a three prong plug there will be a neutral blade, a "hot" blade and a ground blade. The neutral blade is wider that the "hot" blade. In North America the ground blade is "U" shaped.