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James Cook ate normal food when it was available. This would include roasted meats and vegetables. He was keen to keep his crew healthy and free from scurvy, so when fresh foods were not available, he ensured the crew were fed sauerkraut or pickled cabbage, which is high in vitamin C. He also had lime juice.

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Q: What did Captain Cook and his crew eat?
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Captain James Cook was especially known for feeding his crew sauerkraut, or pickled cabbage, which was rich in vitamin C.

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His crew, his brain and best of all; his experience.

Did Captain James Cook have a child with a Polynesian woman?

This is something that may never be definitively known. In 1778, Captain James Cook and his crew were greeted with much warmth by the generous Polynesian people, and women were readily provided to the members of Cook's crew. Whether or not Cook himself took advantage of this particular hospitality is unknown.

What did Captain James Cook do when he hit a storm?

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