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Captain James Cook was especially known for feeding his crew sauerkraut, or pickled cabbage, which was rich in vitamin C.

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Q: What vitamin c food did Captain Cook give his crew to cure scurvy?
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Why was Captain Cook's Endeavour the first to have nobody to die from Scurvy?

James Cook added fruit and vegetables that provided Vitiman C to the crew's diet. In particular, he introduced the effective sauerkraut as well as lime juice which provided the necessary Vitamin C to ward off scurvy.

What was the disease Cook did not want his crew to get?

Scurvy. James Cook made considerable preparations to avoid his crew contracting scurvy from insufficient nutrition.

Why did captain cook get his sailors to eat sauerkraut?

One of the worst conditions to strike sailors on long voyages was scurvy. Scurvy was the result of insufficient vitamins, due largely to the lack of fresh food. James Cook insisted his crew eat sauerkraut because it had Vitamin C, a vital component for warding off scurvy. Sauerkraut, or pickled cabbage, could be kept for a long period of time, yet retain its Vitamin C.

What did Captain Cook and his crew eat?

James Cook ate normal food when it was available. This would include roasted meats and vegetables. He was keen to keep his crew healthy and free from scurvy, so when fresh foods were not available, he ensured the crew were fed sauerkraut or pickled cabbage, which is high in vitamin C. He also had lime juice.

How did captian cook help his crew get a better life?

Captain Cook was aware of the importance of certain vitamins in preventing scurvy. He ensured on his voyages that his crew had sauerkraut and lemon syrup, as he believed these contained the necessary vitamins to prevent scurvy - as indeed they do. The vital ingredient was vitamin C.

What was the nikname of Captain Cook's crew?

Cooks sailer's were referred to as "Limey's" because Cook always had fruits like apples and limes when they were available in the crews diet to avoid diseases such as scurvy.

What disease did Christopher Columbus's crew catch?

Christopher Columbus got a fever when he sailed at sea.

How many people died from scurvy on Captain Cook's first voyage?

Nobody died from scurvy on Captain Cook's first voyage. He was very careful to include citrus syrups and sauerkraut as part of his crew's diet, to ensure that they did not succumb to scurvy. However, after departing from today's North Queensland, following necessary repairs to the Endeavour, many of the crew succumbed to dysentery and typhoid. Over thirty died at Batavia or on the return journey home via Cape Town, South Africa.

What is Hawaii's first exploration?

Captain James Cook in 1778.

How did captain cook discipline his crew?

maintaining discipline crew welfare

What were the nick names of captain cooks crew?

Cooks sailer's were referred to as "Limey's" because Cook always had fruits like apples and limes when they were available in the crews diet to avoid diseases such as scurvy.

What was accomplished by the voyage of Captain Cook's crew to Asia?

Captain cook and his crew were able to discover an alternate route to asia that was not previously know. It was a guicker route.