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After King Pepin the Short died in 768, his two sons, Charlemagne and Carloman, shared the Frankish (French) kingdom. The kingdom was made up of what is now France, Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. After his brother's death in 771, Charlemagne became sole ruler of the Frankish Kingdom (France). Soon he conquered the Lombard kingdom in Italy and Bavaria. He waged his bitterest campaign against the Saxons, a pagan people after 30 years of war. He forced them to accept Christianity. He also conquered part of northern Spain, called the "Spanish March". By 800 his empire extended from central Italy north to Denmark and from eastern Germany west to the Atlantic Ocean. Pope Leo III crowned him Emperor of the West on Christmas Day, 800 in Rome. I hope that this has been a help to you.

Source, Harveymac1336

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Q: What did Charlemagne take over in the late 700's or the early 800's?
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