

What did Darry call Pony that he only calls Soda?

Updated: 3/12/2020
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12y ago

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he called pony little buddie

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Q: What did Darry call Pony that he only calls Soda?
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Darry stands there and pony notices that hes crying and then Darry starts walking away and pony runs to him and hugs him and starts bawling(the super ugly cry).

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Why does Darry react so angrily when ponyboy stays out late with johnny?

He was so scared and fearful that something bad might have happened to Pony. He could not call the cops because that would just send both Soda and Pony to a boy's home, so he just let his fear take control.

Why does Darry get mad at ponyboy?

It upset Ponyboy because no one ever hit him before. Not even his parents. " Darry wheeled around and slapped me so hard that it knocked me against the door. Suddenly it was deathly quiet. We all had frozen. Nobody in my family had ever hit me. Nobody." pg.50

Why does Darry strike Ponyboy in chapter 3?

Darry slapped Ponyboy during an arguement. Ponyboy had fallen asleep in the vacant lot with Johnny and hadn't gotten home until 2 AM. Soda tried to stick up for Ponyboy and Darry yelled at Soda. When Ponyboy raised his voice to his oldest brother, Darry hit him. Darry was not really angry at Pony...he was just scared that something had happened to him and was upset that Pony had done something as careless as fall asleep in the lot.

What major event happened in chapter 6 of the outsiders?

After leaving the movie with Johnny and falling asleep in the lot, Ponyboy rushes home. There Pony explains to his eldest brother, Darry, about how he fell asleep in the lot with Johnny. Darry tells Ponyboy how worried him and Soda were and how he couldn't even call the cops or Soda and Pony would be put in a boy's home 'so fast it'd make your head spin.' Darry loses his cool when Pony sticks up for Soda then slaps Pony. Ponyboy runs straight to Johnny and tells him that they're running away. Johnny says nothing and follows until both are out of breath and quit running. Pony is crying by now and Johnny is trying to calm him down. Johnny and Ponyboy go to the park where a group of Socs in a blue Mustang pull up. Johnny, haunted by the memory of blue Mustangs and rings, becomes scared. Ponyboy says to play it cool. They find out its Bob and Randy, Cherry and Marcia's boyfriends with a few friends. All are drunk and begin to fight the two after Ponyboy, in his defence, spits on the Socs. The Socs attempt to drown Ponyboy in the water fountain and Johnny stabs Bob out of self defence and saving Ponyboy from drowning.

What did Darry never call ponyboy?

little budy

Why does Darry call pony boy little buddy?

He is happy because Ponyboy is ok. But sad johnny died.

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a little hoarse

Pop is the same to what?

soda. In the north of the USA they call soda or "drink" pop. Its just like accents. The southern usa calls it drink or soda. they also have a pop called "sun drop" like a lemon lime soda sweeter then mountain dew.Trust me i moved from north Carolina to Indiana in The vicinity of south bend

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you call. or their names are. As a noun, "las llamas" is "the flames."