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Europeans wanted to find new trade routes to Asia, as well as new sources of valuable commodities such as spices, silks, and precious metals. They were also interested in spreading Christianity and claiming new territories for their respective countries.

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Why the Europeans wanted to explore?

Because they wanted to make money and they wanted to trade.

What reason Europeans wanted to explore the unknown?

One of the main reasons Europeans wanted to explore the unknown was the desire for wealth and resources. They were in search of new trade routes to Asia and the valuable goods that could be obtained there. Additionally, there was a strong motivation to spread Christianity and convert indigenous populations to the faith. Scientific curiosity and a thirst for knowledge also played a role in driving European exploration.

Why did Europeans want to explore?

Because they wanted to make money and they wanted to trade.

Why did the Europeans want to go on voyages of discovery?

The Europeans wanted to go on voyages of discovery for several reasons. Firstly, they hoped to find new trade routes to Asia in order to bypass the Ottoman Empire, which controlled existing routes. Secondly, there was a desire to spread Christianity to new lands and convert indigenous peoples. Thirdly, there was a spirit of scientific curiosity and a desire to acquire new knowledge about the world. Finally, there was a significant economic motivation, as explorers hoped to discover new resources and wealth.

What did the early europeans explorers want?

Early European explorers wanted to find new trade routes to Asia for valuable goods like spices and silk. They were also motivated by a desire to spread Christianity and to increase their wealth and power by discovering new lands. Additionally, many explorers sought fame and recognition for their discoveries.

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Europeans wanted to find gold because is is an valuable item and because it will make their country wealthy. :)

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cause they wanted to have fast railroadthey wanted to find freedom,faith, and belief

Why did the European want to find the Northwest Passage?

The Europeans wanted to cross the pacific ocean.

Why did the European's want to find the northwest passage?

The Europeans wanted to cross the pacific ocean.

Which is not a reason the Europeans crossed the seas?

They wanted to find an all water route to North America.

Why did other Europeans explore North America and why did they find?

because they wanted to find the northwest passage and they found gold and silver

Did other Europeans explore North America and what did they find?

because they wanted to find the northwest passage and they found gold and silver

What was the second reason European wanted to explore new lands?

The second reason Europeans wanted to explore new lands was to find gold and silver.

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they sailed to the Americas cause the wanted to see if they can find a faster route around also they wanted to find new land back then

Why did Europeans want the Congo?

The europeans wanted freedom and supply from the congolese.