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They both died and became pussys

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Q: What did Hitler and Mussolini have in common in their countries to rise?
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What common trait in the rise to power of Hitler and Mussolini was they both?

Hitler and Mussolini were both thugs, who appealed to the most barbaric and uncivilized elements of their respective nations.

Who were the two dictators on the rise in Europe?

Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, and Adolf Hitler

How were Hitler's and Mussolini's rise to power similar?

yes, they all used a form of communism Mussolini used fascism Hitler used Nazism Stalin just used plain old communism

How did Benito Mussolini Adolf Hitler Hirohito contribute to the rise of fascism in Europe and Japan?

katherina correa

Why were other countries concerned about the rise of dictators during World War 2?

Hideki Tojo , Adolf Hitler , Benito Mussolini these were important dictators during world war 2

How were Stalin Hitler and Mussolini's rise to power similar?

One of the goals that Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito shared were the desire for world domination. They were all dictators and they all wanted to expand their power through invading other countries.

U.S should have done more to prevent the rise of fascism and what could they have done and why didn't they?

It was kinda hard to when the rest of Europe was content to hope that they could pacify it by appeasing Hitler and Mussolini. The blame for the rise of Fascism falls of the shoulders of several countries - not just one.

Who supported mussolinis in his rise to power?

Adolf Hitler was a fervent anticommunist and an admirer of Mussolini. Big Business greatly aided his rise to power Big Business greatly aided his rise to power.

This caused worldwide turmoil and the rise of powerful dictators?

The Great Depression and World War 1 unresolved issues contributed to the rise of the dictators of Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco.

What strategies helped both Benito Mussolini and a Adolf Hitler rise to power?

Both leaders promised to restore national pride during a time of crisis

Why was Hitler rise power dangerous for countries bordering Germany?

because he was going to take them over

What leader is most closely associated with the rise of fascism in Italy prior to World War 2?

Benito Mussolini became the dictator of Italy in the Twenties and he was finally killed by the Italians during World War 2. 1945 I believe.