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Q: What did James cook learn from the first nations people?
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What did the French learn from the first nations people?

That's the question I'm lookin for... 😕

Why did residential school start?

Well it's, kind of because the government didn't want the " first nations" people to be in with like lets say " white" people, or what ever and wanted them to be in an all " first nations" school so they could learn how to be " white". And it wasn't right.

Why did the residential schools start?

Well it's, kind of because the government didn't want the " first nations" people to be in with like lets say " white" people, or what ever and wanted them to be in an all " first nations" school so they could learn how to be " white". And it wasn't right.

What did Samuel de Champlain learn from the first nations?

Samuel de Champlain learned mapmaking and navigation techniques from the First Nations people. He also gained knowledge about the land, resources, and wildlife of the region, which helped him in his explorations and settlement efforts in New France. Additionally, he formed alliances with some First Nations groups, which allowed him to establish trading relationships and secure assistance in his expeditions.

Who was the Etienne Brule and what was his relationship with the Fist Nations people?

Etienne Brule was a French explorer who is known for being one of the first Europeans to live among and learn from the First Nations people in the early 17th century. He built relationships with various indigenous tribes, acting as an interpreter and intermediary for the French during interactions and trade with the native populations.

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he learned not to trust people

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What does genesis the first book of Torah teaches you?

Genesis teaches us about world origins, how the nations came to be, and the early generations of the Israelites and their forbears. From people such as Abraham and his family, we learn many forms of righteousness.

Where is it possible to learn about the League of Nations?

To learn about the League of Nations, surfing the web is a great way to start. Local libraries are also a good way to learn about the League of Nations. The League of Nations is well known, therefore many resources about the subject can be found in multiple places.

Why did the first nation and europeans learn to get along?

The First Nations that first met the vikings between 500 and 10 000 years ago included The Mi'kmaqs, The Haudenosaunee and The Mountagnais. Both First Nations poeples and Europeans were surprised to meet people that seemed so difffrent from themselves so they decided to get along because they wanted to know each other better and not get themselves in stupid idiot wars.

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