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Q: What did Jews turn to after the Romans destroyed their temple?
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After the Jewish Revolt was put down and the Romans destroyed the Temple in 70 A.D. Jews were scattered across the Roman world. What did the Jews turn to as their center of worship?

After the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D., the Jews turned to local synagogues as their centers of worship. Synagogues became the primary place for communal prayer, study of religious texts, and social gatherings for Jews across the Roman world. The synagogue became a symbol and focal point of Jewish religious and cultural life in the absence of the Temple.

What did antiochus turn the temple into?

An edifice of idolatry.See also the Related Link.The struggle between the Jews and the forces of Antiochus

How did the Romans mistreat the Jews?

they took over their countryAnswer:Hyrcanus and Aristobulus, the two sons of the Jewish King Yannai (Johanan Hyrcanus, 1st century BCE), got the Romans involved in Judea when they asked the Romans to settle a dispute. At first the Romans were cordial; and they actually became party to a military treaty with Judea (Talmud, Avodah Zara 9a). A couple of decades later, however, they unilaterally abrogated the treaty, and placed Roman governors over the land who afflicted the Jews with crushing taxation (Talmud, Yoma 9a). In the first two centuries CE, things got worse, with the Romans destroying the Second Temple and temporarily outlawing Torah-observances, and the Jews attempting to revolt. The Romans destroyed large numbers of Jewish communities in the Holy Land, and they killed some of the leading Jewish sages.(During those times that the Romans didn't interfere with the internal life of the Jews, the reason was because the Romans wanted to receive their taxes. That, and making sure none of their colonies planned rebellions, was usually the only thing that the Romans were really concerned about.)

How did Palestine turn into Israel?

The real question is: How did Israel turn into Palestine.That happened way way back, during the Roman occupation of the area.The Jewish land was called "Judea" at that time. The Jews were proud ofthat name, which irritated the Romans, so the Romans decided to officiallyrename it "Palestina".

Why did Jews leave Israel?

The Jews were exiled from the Land of Israel by the Babylonians in 586 BCE. The Persian king Cyrus allowed them to return, but they were exiled again by the Romans in 70 CE. Jews returned to Israel in large numbers beginning at the turn of the 20th century and in even greater numbers since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948. They emigrated because of persecution and strict laws against Jewish people.

Why don't Jews say or spell God?

Jews do in fact write most of the names of God. However, any document that one of His names is written on becomes holy and cannot be destroyed, it must be given a kosher burial. Therefore, on any piece of paper that may potentially be destroyed or thrown away, none of His names are written in full. Although many Jews won't write the word 'God' in full, many do as it's not of Jewish origin. God's true name is represented by the letters 'yud, hei, vav, hei', which in turn, are represented by the English letters of YHVH. His true name was only used in the Temple, and with the Temple's destruction we have lost the correct pronunciation. In the Tanach (Jewish Bible), there are 72 different names used for God in the original Hebrew. In truth, these are not actual names, but rather descriptions of Him that are based on the context of the discussion. In daily conversation, most Jews call him HaShem which means 'The Name' in reference to His true name.

Why did Jews turn Judas on Jesus?

The Jews did not turn Judas. He did it voluntarily. However, the Jews jumped at the opportunity as they had been seeking a way to arrest Jesus.

During which war was the Parthenon destroyed?

The temple of Parthenon as we know it today was the third temple build on top of the Athens Acropolis. This third temple was build by Pericles between 447 and 438 BC as a trophy for the victory of Hellenes against the invading Persians who had destroyed the second temple just before the naval battle of Salamis. When the Persians destroyed the Acropolis of Athens and Parthenon it was late September of 480 BC. The third temple survived the birth of Christianity and was turn to a Christian church in the 6th century AD. Later under the Ottoman occupation the temple was turned to a mosque. When Venice became the power of the Aegean sea the Ottomans converted the Acropolis to a military camp with all the high rank Ottoman/ Turks citizens. The Acropolis was bombarded by Morozini and the temple was partially destroyed. Later just before the Greek Independence war the Earl of Elgin bought parts of the Parthenon marbles and sold them to the British Museum were they stand currently.

What is the Western Wall used for?

it is the soul of the city and creates a space against the british and jewish members of israel. it is made for jewish to pray on and kiss the wall, your back should not be turned against the wall or you will be sent to hell

Why were people selling animals in the temple?

Well, they were not selling them in the Temple, they were selling them in an outer courtyard. Until it was destroyed, the Temple was a center where Jews brought animal sacrifices. The Torah, when it commands the sacrifices, says that you could bring your own animal, but if the distance was far, you could "turn your animal into money", then travel and buy an animal in Jerusalem to sacrifice. So, from the start, there was a livestock market at the Temple where animals could be purchased to sacrifice. The rules for sacrificial animals were fairly strict: The animals had to be without blemish. So, the market was under priestly supervision to assure that the animals sold there met the requirement.

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yes, you have to regenerate it before it is destroyed.

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