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The universe was really three-dimensional, and instead of thinking of circles, he should be thinking about spheres, with the planetary orbits being along the equators

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Q: What did Johannes Kepler discover about the universe?
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Who replaced circles with ellipses in a helicentric model of the universe?

Johannes Kepler replaced circles with ellipses in the heliocentric model of the universe.

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Did Johannes Kepler discover Kepler planets?

No, Johannes Kepler is best known for describing the laws that dictate how orbits work. The Kepler planets were discovered by the Kepler telescope, a spacecraft named in his honor.

Who did discover planets move in elliptical orbits?

Johannes Kepler

When did Johannes Kepler discover that the planets orbits are elliptical?

The year Kepler firstpublished this ideawas 1609.

Who replaced circles with In a heliocentric model of the universe?

Johannes Kepler

Did Galileo discover that the planet orbits are elliptical?

No, that was done by Johannes Kepler.

What did Johannes Kepler discover about the motion of the planet?

That they followed elliptical orbits.

What is Johannes Kepler major finding?

The first to discover weed in his era.

Who replaced circles with ellipse in a heliocentric model of the universe?

Johannes Kepler

What date did Johannes Kepler discover ellipses?

Kepler did not discover ellipses. In 1605 he discovered that the orbits of the planets were ellipses rather than perfect circles.

Did Johannes Kepler discover polyhedrons?

No. He was at least 2000 years too late!