

What did John Quincy Adams do or accomplished?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Major Domestic Policy: During the Election of 1824, none of the presidential candidates received a majority vote of the electoral votes. Then it was up to the House of Representatives to decide. One of the other presidential candidates, Clay, pledged his support for Adams, and Adams won the election. During his presidency, the New Englanders proposed a new tariff that would raise rates. The southerners went a step farther and included higher rates for goods and raw materials. Manufacturers voted against the bill with the Southerners, because it gave them very little profit. The bill was defeated, but the plan created by the Southerners did not work. The Tariff of Abominations was passed. This helped widen the crack between the North and the South because the Vice-President, John C. Calhoun, and the Southerners created Calhoun's Exposition and Protest, that stated that Nullification was constitutional, but tariffs were not.

Major Foreign Policy: During the presidency of Adams, the world could be characterized as peaceful. There were no major foreign events happening at this time. The government was more focused on what was happening between the North and the South at the time. The only event that could be characterized as foreign affairs would be the Panama Congress, where the U.S. discussed trade with the British in the West Indies.

Major Supreme Court Cases:

* Ogden vs. Saunders: In 1826, this case was between Saunders, a Kentucky citizen, who sued Ogden, a Louisiana citizen. Ogden had a contract when he was a citizen of New York that said that he would make a payment. Saunders said that Ogden never made the payment, but Ogden claimed that he had gone bankrupt, and therefore was protected by the New York bankruptcy law. * Willson vs. Blackbird Creek Marsh Co.: In 1829, the state of Delaware allowed the Blackbird Creek March Co. to create a dam that would span the width of Blackbird Creek. The dam was damaged when Willson, a sailing vessel owner, broke through it with his ship. The company sued Willson for charges including trespassing.

Intellectual and Social Developments:

* The market economy expands as the Erie Canal is completed. * A business class is created. * Rural women and young girls are hired to work in different kinds of factories. * White male suffrage starts to spread around the world. * The creation of the Jackson and Democratic Party.

Adams' Legacy: Adams had a lot of experience in politics by the time he was elected into office. He put his country first ahead of anything else. He knew he was destined for politics ever since the young age of 14. Adams led the way for candidates who did not belong to any political party. This was advantageous because he did not worry about what any party believed. He was concerned with the desires of the U.S. citizens. Even after his term as president, he continued to be involved in politics. Many of his beliefs were remembered long after he was gone, and most of them came into effect, such as the abolition of slavery, independence, and unity.

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