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Q: What did Leeuwenhoek use that enabled him to see bacteria?
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Is it true or false that Leeuwenhoek's observed every type of microbe except protozoa and viruses?

Viruses are very small and can be considered ultramicroscopic. We were not able to see them with the best light microscopes as we could bacteria (prokaryotes). We have to use an electron microscope to see them as they are that small. This was not available until recently. Leeuwenhoek's microscope was not strong enough to see such small things.

What did Anton discover and what did he use to see his discovery?

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek discovered plaque on peoples teeth

Which scientist used a microscope to view animacules in pond water?

i think the first scientist to do that was named leeuwenhoek

Who named bacteria?

Bacteria were first described by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in 1676 using a hand made microscope. He called them "animalcules". This word means little animals. The first use of the term bacteria was used by Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg in 1828 in Berlin, Germany.

How does a bacteria cell move itself?

There's not THE ONE way how bacteria move. some are enabled to diapedeses, others have flagella, others use the flow of their environment to get transported, others use parts of their host cells moving machinery,...

What are the contributions of Leeuwenhoek to the development of cell theory?

In 1670, Antonie van Leeuwenhoek used a microscope to describe cells in a drop of pond water. He made his own fine quality lens for use in monocular microscopes, and he was the first person to observe bacteria and protozoa. Some of his lenses could magnify objects up to 250X.

What kind of microscope do you use to see bacteria?

electric microscope

What did Anton van leeuwenhoek achieve?

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek is considered the father of microscopy because of the advances he made in microscope design and use.

What did Anton van leeuwenhoek and Robert hooke use in their studies?


What did Leeuwenhoek first use the micro lens for?

to look in to a slice of cork

Who was the first man to make and use the a microscope?

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

When do you use microscopes?

We use microscopes to see tiny things like cells, bacteria, and other microorganisms.