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He issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which the Confederacy ignored, as he had no control over the South.

His most urgent reason for issuing the Proclamation was to turn the war into an official crusade against slavery, so that Britain and France could not aid the South without looking pro-slavery themslves.

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Q: What did Lincoln order during the civil war to confederacy ending slavery?
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Which president gets credit for ending slavery?

Abraham Lincoln get credit for ending slavery.

What were Abraham Lincoln greatest historical event that occurred during his term?

ending slavery through the civil war? im not sure

What is lincoln's most famous accomplishment?

Ending slavery in the United States.

Why does Abraham Lincoln care about ending slavery?

Before the war Lincoln just wanted to stop the spread of slaves, believing states that already had slave should be able to keep their slaves.(that's totaly not cool for some one that wanted to put an end to slavery) During the war, Lincoln at first didn't want his generals to free slaves in the south and only later did so to weaken the Confederacy. Don't be confused and think the Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves, it only freed slaves in the Confederacy to weaken their defenses. Lincoln said it himself the would continue with slavery, free all the slaves or just free some as long as it preserved the Union.- Demetrice Hanson

What were Lincoln's accomplishments?

He signed the Emancipation proclamation, ending slavery in the US for good.

What else did Abraham Lincoln do besides ending slavery?

stopped the civil war

What was one of Abraham Lincoln's accoplishments?

Proposed the Emancipation Proclomation, preventing slavery from further expansion, eventually ending slavery.

Why was Lincoln unable to enjoy the hard work he had done by ending slavery?

He was shot in a theatre.

Who were two important people in the ending of slavery?

Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses s. grant

What role did Abraham Lincoln play in ending slavery?

Abraham Lincoln played a significant role in ending slavery as he issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, declaring that all slaves in Confederate territory were to be set free. He also supported the passage of the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery throughout the United States. Lincoln's presidency and his commitment to ending slavery were crucial in shaping the eventual outcome of the American Civil War and the abolition of slavery.

Who was the President during the time slavery existed?

There were many, starting with George Washington and ending with Abraham Lincoln. Slavery was institutionalized even well before that, and was one of the major economical resources for the Americas (manual labor for plantations).

What is lincolons basic argument about the causes of the civil war?

slavery and the states seceding. lincoln wanted the country to stay united but the south didnt and thats what started the whole thing then lincoln brought slavery into it and ended up ending slavery