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Q: What did McClellan not understand about the nature of the civil war?
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What did george b mcclellan do for the civil war?

he was a general

Who George McClellan is?

George Brinton McClellan was an American soldier, civil engineer, railroad executive, and politician.

Why is George McClellan significant in the civil war?

Because he died!!

What did George McClellan have to do with the Civil War?

he lead the battle of antietom.

Who was a hesitant union general in the civil war?

George McClellan

Did George B McClellan have any prior war service in the Civil War?

yes he did

Who was the general in the civil war known to hesitate?

General McClellan :D

Why is George McClellan important in the civil war?

McClellan was a Union commander and he repelled general Lee's first Northern invasion.

What side was general McClellan on?

I assume you're talking about George B McClellan from the US Civil War. He was in the Union army.

What did the newspapers call McClellan during the Civil War?

Old Iron Sides