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Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) mainly taught Makkans:

  1. to worship God as the one and only one God with no partner, no son, no companion, no father, no associate, and no equivalence
  2. the Quran and what allowed to do and what forbidden to do
  3. ritual worships
  4. morals
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Q: What did Muhammad teach when he preached to the makkans?
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What were the main values that Muhammad preached?

Prophet Muhammad preached the values that shaped the Islam ethics and morals and supported by Quran Golden Rules.Refer to the related questions below for more information.

What rules for daily living did Muhammad teach?

Muhammad teach children to honor their parents, he also teach them the words of God.

What was the name of the religion Muhammad began?

Islam is the religion preached by Prophet Mohammad

Why Muhammad teachings were popular with poorer people?

Muhammad preached that all people are equal and that the rich should share their wealth with the poor . Many poor people began accepting Muhammad's message and became Muslims, or followers of Islam.

What Century did Muhammad teach in?

Muhammad revealed the Qur'an in the early 7th Century.

What are things that Muhamad preached about?

Muhammad(pbbuh) preached about worshiping ONE god, not worshiping jesus(pbuh) but worshiping the ONE god who created jesus(pbuh)!

What did Muhammad teach?

religion and prophecy and culture.

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There are two prevalent ones: Mecca- that is where Muhammad lived and preached Medina - that is where Muhammad was when he was driven out of Mecca before he returned

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What message did Muhammad preach to the people of Arabia?

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