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Q: What did Nancy hart do during the revolutionary war?
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Is Nancy Morgan Hart a soldier in the Revolutionary war?

yes she was

When did Nancy hart join the revolutionary war?

she joined th revolutionary war on april 15 1779

What is Nancy famous for?

Nancy Hart is known for being a woman who participated in the Revolutionary war. After the war she became over religious and was known for here over zealous beliefs.

Where did Nancy hart live?

Nancy Hart (Revolutionary War heroine) was likely born in North Carolina in 1735 or 1736. Much of her life story is undocumented and anecdotal.

Who is nacy hart?

Nancy Morgan Hart (c. 1735 - 1830) was a heroine of the American Revolutionary War whose exploits against Loyalists in the Georgia backcountry are the stuff of legend.

Photo of Nancy Morgan hart house?

Nancy Morgan Hart's house has been torn down and refurbished since the Revolutionary War, therefore their are no photos of her house. Instead of using a photo I suggest finding a painting of her house.

What did Nancy hart do in the war?

she saved people from the Tories

Who was Nancy Morgan hart?

Nancy Ann Morgan Hart is a heroine in the Revolutionary War. She managed to kill a Tory(5 or 6) of British soldiers, that entered her home. When they set their weapons down( the soldiers) Nancy was secretly pushing one of the men's guns through a hole in the wall. And did I mention when she set her daughter to get water to feed the soldiers, Nancy told her to blow a conch to warn the neighbors and her husband. When her husband came back he wanted to shoot them all, but she insisted them to be hanged( the non-already-killed-soldiers). They were then hanged by a near by tree.Resourse :Wikipedia

What did Nancy Hart do?

She is a legendary figure in South Carolina for her alleged exploits during the American Revolution. A capable frontierswoman, wife, and mother, she reportedly captured and hanged several Tory soldiers (colonial loyalists). Posing as a drunken man or as a cook, she entered British camps to obtain military information. The truth of all stories cannot be verified, as most came to light many years after she had died.

Who are some heroes or heroines of the American Revolutionary War?

Some are Deborah Sampson, Molly Pitcher, Nancy Morgan Hart, and Sybil Ludington, and Mammy Kate.

Did Benedict arnolod portray during the revolutionary war?

No he did not portray during the Revolutionary War.

How many colonies were there during the revolutionary war?

There were 13 colonies during the Revolutionary War. After the Revolutionary War, they became the original 13 United States of America.