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Nikola Tesla work at a telephone hardware company in Zagreb.

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Q: What did Nikola do before he started inventing?
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Who is know for inventing something?

Nikola Tesla

Did Nikola Tesla get hurt inventing?

He didn't get inventing but a worker of his, did in his New York lab.

What was Nikola Tesla interested in?

Nikola was interested in electric mechanics and inventing innovating ways to improve anything electrical.

What age was Thomas Edison when he started inventing?

Thomas Edison was 14 years old when he started inventing

How did Edison started inventing?

he died

How did nikola tesla get taught education?

Nikola Tesla received his education at the Technical University of Graz in Austria and later studied at the Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague before pursuing his career in engineering and inventing. Tesla was largely self-taught and had a remarkable ability to absorb knowledge from books and his own experiments.

How old was Thomas Edison when he started inventing?

he was 14

How was Thomas Edison treated when he first started inventing?

like a fag

Who invented neon lamp?

Nikola Tesla and Georges Claude are credited with inventing the neon lamp. Neon was discovered in 1898 and the neon lamp was invented in 1902.

What was Nikola Tesla's specialty?

He invented electric motors and the devised how to bring alternant current to all homes around the world. Inventing electric gadgets were his thing.

Who did Nikola Tesla work for before westinhouse?

He worked for Edison who was a proved patent thief. As soon he didn't get paid the money offered to him, he quit and started his own company.

When did Nikola Tesla get his high school diploma?

In 1881 he started working.