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Q: What did Robert koch do to fix anthrax?
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Who discovered Anthrax?

Robert Koch- German

Robert koch was the first scientist to do what?

Robert koch discovered the agent that cused anthrax that's why he is famous

Who isolated bacteria that caused anthrax and TB?

Robert Koch

Which scientist showed that anthrax was caused by the bacterium?

robert koch

Robert koch use what microorganisims to formulate koch postable?

Aids sars diphtheria anthrax tuberculosis

Did Robert Koch contract anthrax through his experiments?

This affirmation is not correct.

When was anthrax discovered?

Robert Koch- German

Why was Dr Robert Koch most famous for?

Dr Robert Koch was a pioneer in bacteriology. He helped discover how some infectious diseases such as anthrax and tuberculosis were spread.

What are Robert Koch's discoveries?

Robert Koch discovered that different germs caused different diseases. He later identified the germs that caused anthrax, tuberculosis (TB) and cholera.

How did Robert Koch die?

Robert Koch died on May 27, 1910 at the age of 66.

What did robert koch discovered by using a compound microscope?

He found Anthrax, TB, and Cholera. he also proved germ theory.

Who is Robert Koch?

Robert Koch was a German physician and microbiologist who is considered one of the founders of modern bacteriology. He is best known for his work on discovering the bacteria responsible for anthrax, tuberculosis, and cholera, and for his development of Koch's postulates which are used to demonstrate the cause of infectious diseases. Koch was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905 for his contributions to medical science.