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As his time as a dictator Stalin caused a lot of blood shed. He,was much like Hitler, hated the Jews and believed they were a threat to his government and ideals. So Stalin ordered that all Jews where to be killed, or be placed in Labor camps (Where most of them died anyway). During WW2 Stalin signed a peace treaty with Hitler and helped Germany invade Poland. In this treaty the Germans gained one region of Poland and the Russians gained another. The Germans got all the polish Jews and the Russians got the Natural resources. However fighting broke out in Poland between Russian and German troops and a second treaty needed to be signed. Eventually tensions grew too tight and Russia and Germany declared war on each other.

During the war time Stalin put in place many harsh rules for the Red Army. He declared that retreating during battle was an act of treason, and that if any soldiers took a step backward during battle the commander of his platoon was to shoot him. Also Stalin put in place the scorched Earth policy. This policy stated that if the army was forced to pull back any buildings, materials or any other items of use that could not be carried along with the troops was to be burned to the ground as to not leave anything for the Germans to use.

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He was tsar and a tsar is one person ruling over a country. So Stalin was like a king of U.S.S.R. that time. :D

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