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He lobbied Congress to pass the "Pure Food and Drug Act" of 1906, which established the FDA. This helped protect consumers from dangerous foods and drugs.

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Q: What did Teddy Roosevelt do about dangerous food and drugs?
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What were some Progressive reforms that President Teddy Roosevelt's administration passed?

The "Square Deal" policies that Teddy Roosevelt passed involved anti-trust litigation, pure food and drugs, and low railroad rates.

Does Teddy Roosevelt support pure food and drug act?

Yes, it was one reform that was passed during Teddy Roosevelt's second term.

What did Teddy Roosevelt react after reading the jungle?

he commissioned the Pure Food and Drug Act

What book expose unsanitary conditions of food and drugs to lead to the food and drug act under roosevelt?

the jungle

What reforms did Teddy Roosevelt work to achieve?

One major progressive reform enacted by Teddy Roosevelt was the establishment of national parks. He was a lover of nature and thought it a travesty that developers were taking over these precious lands.

Teddy Roosevelt became deeply interested in safeguarding America's food after he'd read an expose about the meatpacking industry what was it titled?

The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

Which US president recommended the Pure Food and Drugs Act?

1337 a.k.a Bowen recommended the Pure Food and Drug Act

Teddy roosevelts favorite food?

Teddy Roosevelt was known as a hearty eater and enjoyed large meals. some of his favorite foods included hominy, milk crackers, and hard boiled eggs.

What president fished?

Many of our nation's presidents have fished, either for recreation or for food. However, one president is know above all the others as an outdoorsman. Teddy Roosevelt was a hunter and a fisherman.

How did Theodore Roosevelt change the government's role regarding food and drugs?

For the first time, the government took responsibility for food and drug safety

What did the pure food and drug act law that Theodore Roosevelt sighn do?

The Pure Food and Drug Act, signed by Theodore Roosevelt in 1906, aimed to regulate the labeling and safety of food and drugs in the United States. It was a response to concerns about unsanitary and deceptive practices in the food and drug industries. The act required accurate labeling of products and banned the sale of adulterated or misbranded foods, drugs, and liquors.

What does progressed?

Progressive in politics means forward thinking. Teddy Roosevelt was a progressive president. He started national parks and started the Food and Drug Administration to monitor unsafe to eat foods and control medicines that are harmful.