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Thomas Paine was referring to a world where the "continent", the United States, that had many people and land, to be ruled by Britain, the "island".

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Q: What did Thomas Paine mean by.... There is something very absurd in supposing a continent to be perpetually governed by an island.....?
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Who said There is something very absurd in supporting a continent to be forever governed by an island?

thomas paine

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No, Antarctica is a continent governed by the Antarctic Treaty.

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There are no nations or countries on the Antarctic continent. All of earth south of 60 degrees S is governed by the Antarctic Treaty. This includes the continent of Antarctica.

What is Paine referring when he writes about a continent governed by an island?

Only guess really, but perhaps by island he is referring to Britian and by continent he is referring to North America (as it was known then) and/or Europe.