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Q: What did Victorians say instead of leg because they thought it was rude?
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Leg was thought to be rude in Victorian times what word do they use instead of leg?


Should you use the word 'what' instead of pardon?

Yes, it is better to say pardon instead of what because waht may sound rude. Some people also say sorry.

Do girls like it when you ask them if they have great legs?

no because it rude I've tryied it no because it rude I've tryied it no because it rude I've tryied it

Why Are People Rude To Me is it because of how I look?

I do not know how you look so I cannot determine if people are rude to you because of how you look. If that is the case, then they are just rude people. People should not be rude to others at all and should especially not be rude to people because of how they look.

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Because it's always rude to scream at people.

Do you have to pay for food you don't like?

Yes you should because it would be rude to say "I'm not going to pay for this coffee because I don't like it". Instead give them advice and feedback.

What were the Victorians beliefs and superstitions?

1. green is an unlucky colour for nursurys or wedding rings 2. food is better digested in the dark so a dining room was in the basement 3. it is rude for a man to offer a woman his seat because the cuchion could still be warm.

How the teenagers become a rude person?

the reason they become rude is because of problems they have or because they're teenagers!

What if your a 15 year old girl and your embarrassed because you not allowed to rude answers advice appreciated?

use a hair removal cream or wax instead.

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She had to invite the Dewberry twins, whom she calls "bald headed babies".

What is Texas law on repose can they repossess from me because i was rude being rude?

They are not going to repossess a vehicle because you were rude. They can however repossess it if you miss just one payment.

Can you use Rudness in a sentence instead of rude?

I could think of no excuse for her rudeness.