

What did Vietnam soldiers do when not fighting?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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They tried to stave off Malaria.

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Q: What did Vietnam soldiers do when not fighting?
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They were drafted.

Did American soldiers ever physically fight Soviet soldiers?

Indirectly. Vietnam for example was the U.S. indirectly fighting Russia who supplied Vietnam.

Is the war in Aganistain the same as the Vietnam war?

When Afghanistan jet fighters are fighting US jet fighters. When Afghanistan tanks are fighting US tanks. When Afghanistan warships are fighting US warships. When Afghanistan soldiers are fighting US soldiers. Then it will be like Vietnam. Right now, it just a law enforcement issue; finding terrorists, arresting them, or terminating them.

What did Vietnam soldiers do when they wern't fighting?

They were either helpingVietnamese people getting to safety or helping injured people

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The Americans used a process called Vietnamization to pull their troops out of Vietnam. South Vietnamese soldiers slowly took over the jobs of American soldiers in Vietnam in order to get troops out without causing much of a dramatic change.

What are the similarities in the soldiers fighting in the Vietnam war than in the Iraq war?

US Servicemen were fighting regular (NVA) soldiers and airmen from the North Vietnamese Army, Air Force, and Navy (Tonkin Gulf Incident). US Servicemembers are NOT fighting the Iraqi Air Force, Army, or Navy.

How did the vietnam war affect us soldiers?

The Vietnam war effected soldiers physically with strain of fighting in the jungle but it also effected soldiers psychological mind set. Soldiers were pulled out of school and work at the age of 17 and thrown into the war. The soldiers had to drink and smoke marijuana to deal with the war. It was hard for soldiers to come back for war and make a life.

Is there a listing of Jewish soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan?

that's ridiculous there have been many Jewish soldiers who have died fighting there were no Jewish soldiers killed in that war. Need to know the Number of Jewish soldiers killed in Vietnam, Korean War, and Iraq.

Who were the rebels during the revolution war?

North Vietnamese soldiers were referred to as the NVA (North Vietnamese Army) by the GI's in Vietnam, during the war. Southern Communist soldiers living in South Vietnam and fighting in South Vietnam, were called the Viet Cong (VC).

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What were the fighting conditions for the US soldiers in Vietnam?

Humid, sweaty, boring, no hygiene (no baths, toilets, showers), no hot food, and no female companionship.

How many South Korea soldiers went to the vietnam war?

Not all of the ROKs (Republic of South Korea) were soldiers, some may have been ROK Marines. ROK deployed approximately 150,000 fighting men to RVN (Republic of South Vietnam) during the war.