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Voltaire advocated for freedom of speech and religion, Rousseau for radical political theory, Montesquieu for the separation of powers, Mary Wollstonecraft for women's rights and education, and Beria was a Soviet politician known for his involvement in the Great Purge and human rights abuses.

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Q: What did Voltaire Rousseau Montesquieu Mary Wollstonecraft and Beria advocate?
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Why did Montesquieu advocate the separation of power?

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This group of thinkers is known as the Enlightenment thinkers or philosophers. They believed in using reason and logic to challenge traditional beliefs, promote individual liberties, advocate for natural laws governing society, and work towards the progress and improvement of human happiness through education and rational thought. Key figures include Voltaire, Rousseau, Montesquieu, and Locke.

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A:John Locke is regarded as one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers. He influenced Voltaire, Rousseau, John Madison and Thomas Jefferson, but lived a little too late to influence the Reformation. He asserted that revelation can not be admitted against the clear evidence of reason, and was a strong advocate of religious toleration.

What was the French philosopher Voltaire's real name?

Voltaire's real name was François-Marie Arouet. He adopted the pen name Voltaire as he became a renowned writer, philosopher, and advocate for freedom of speech and religious tolerance during the Age of Enlightenment.

Why did Montesquieu advocate separating and balancing the powers of government?

So the government wouldn't get too powerful, and it would never infringe on the people's rights.

What did Voltaire advocate in A Treatise of Toleration?

Voltaire advocated for religious tolerance and freedom of speech in his work "A Treatise of Toleration." He argued against religious fanaticism and persecution, stating that individuals should have the right to practice their own beliefs without fear of punishment or oppression. Voltaire emphasized the importance of reason and critical thinking in advancing society.

What person exemplified the enlightenment?

One person who exemplified the Enlightenment period is Voltaire. He was a French writer, philosopher, and advocate for freedom of speech, religious tolerance, and separation of church and state. Voltaire's emphasis on reason, skepticism, and individual rights embodies the values of the Enlightenment era.

What were the philosophes and what did they advocate?

Newton, Voltaire. Descartes

What did Montesquieu advocate for?

Montesquieu advocated for the separation of powers within government, with distinct branches (executive, legislative, and judicial) that serve as checks and balances on each other to prevent tyranny and protect individual liberties. He believed this system would help ensure a more stable and free society.

Was Voltaire Catholic or Protestant?

Neither, Voltaire was a Skeptic of all religions and often violently opposed them in his writings, however he did advocate a more encompassing form of religious toleration than was common in his day. We would consider him an Atheist.