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Q: What did Winston Churchill mean by the saying soviet sphere?
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Whom did Churchill blame for building the Iron Curtain between the Soviet sphere and the western sphere?

Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union.

Who gave the iron curtain speech what does the iron curtain refer to?

Winston Churchill applied the phrase "Iron Curtain" to the situation in Europe after World War II. Queen Elisabeth of Belgium had previously used it after World War I. It was used by some else first. Not the queen of Belgium either.

What was the name for the barrier of secrecy and censorship isolating the Soviet Union and other countries within its sphere?

This barrier became known as the Iron Curtain. The term was coined by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill during the Cold War. He used it to describe the division between Eastern and Western Europe, when the counties of Eastern Europe were isolated from the West politically, economically and socially.

What effect did Soviet policy in eastern Europe have on relations between the superpowers?

The Soviet policy of establishing a sphere of influence which came to be known as the Warsaw Pact or Eastern Bloc nations was referred to derisively by Winston Churchill as an Iron Curtain which fell between the Western democratic nations and the nations of Eastern Europe. By ensuring Communist governments were installed in Eastern Europe and, more importantly, by maintaining them through such actions as the Invasion of Hungary and Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union ensured that the Cold War continued until the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Where did the Iron Curtain Speech take place?

Winston Churchill made the iron curtain speech at Westminster college in Fulton, Missouri. There is currently a museum dedicated to him and the circumstances surrounding the speech on campus. For the 50th anniversary of the speech there was a black tie dinner attended by several members of his family as well as Margaret Thatcher. I was fortunate enough to sit with her for about ten minutes as we enjoyed two glasses of wine and she lightheartedly compared her own style and public perception to Winston. There is also a restaurant/pub in Fulton named Sir Winston's in honor of that brief moment in history.

What was Kennan's view of the Soviet Union?

he argued that the soviet union was trying to defeat capitalism and expand the soviet sphere of influence

What term was used by Winston Churchill in 1946 to describe the spread of communist control across Europe?

Churchill referred to the domination of eastern Europe as the descent of an Iron Curtain between those countries and the West, and the name became a popular term to describe the dividing line between the democracies and Soviet puppet states.The text of Churchill's remarks (March 5, 1946) :"From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic, an iron curtain has descended across the Continent. Behind that line lie all the capitals of the ancient states of Central and Eastern Europe. Warsaw, Berlin, Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade, Bucharest and Sofia, all these famous cities and the populations around them lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere, and all are subject in one form or another, not only to Soviet influence but to a very high and, in many cases, increasing measure of control from Moscow. "

What did the term iron curtain refer too?

In Fulton, Missouri, Churchill made a famous speech in which he referred to the world as having been split into two parts. The sphere of the old Western countries and the sphere of the Soviet's. After the WWII, the territory that had been liberated from the Nazis in the eastern part of Europe got under Soviet influence, controlled from Moscow (and building communism). He said: iron curtain has descended across the continent." And a Cold War started.

What was the soviet sphere of influence in the cold war?

The Iron Curtain -BAK

How did a sphere get its name?

Sphaera was the ancient Latin way of saying "ball" or "globe" and has since been modernized to "sphere".

What accounts for the variation between the postwar situation in Italy and that in Hungary in the late 1940s?

Italy was in the US sphere of influence, while Hungary was in the Soviet sphere of influence. The Marshall Plan included aid for the democratic governments of Western Europe, not the communist-controlled governments of Eastern Europe.

How would you describe a clown's nose?

By saying: It is a red sphere.