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Being a gladiator involved as much training as being a soldier. A gladiator, first swore an oath to his master, then was taught the rules. He was then trained in the fighting technique he was suited for. He was also given pointers on the techniques of other types of gladiators in order to counteract his opponent's moves.

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AnswerIt's not gladiator it is guardian and no you can not!

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In ancient Rome Women from different countries that were taken in from war were able to stop being a gladiator in 659 BC.

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The Latin word for "gladiator" is "gladiator".

What is the negatives and positives of being a gladiator?

They are rich slaves that die easily in battles to the death.

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In Latin. I'm or I am a gladiator would be "sum gladiator".

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Its assumed that he was a Thrax, or a gladiator who fought in the Thracian armor and style. However this is only an assumption, because on the other hand he is sometimes described as a Thracian prisoner of war, Thracian being his ethnicity, and he could have fought in another style as another type of gladiator.

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What are the pros and cons of being a roman gladiator?

The pros:heartthrob of the womencould win your freedomfamefighting skillsonly 10% chance of being killedThe cons:chance of being killedhaving to sometimes kill otherssometimes you may be a slaveviewed as a form of entertainment and not as a personchance of having to kill an animalsome may look upon you as barbaric and unintelligent

Can you use Gladiator Beast War Chariot if you have a Gladiator Beast as an Xyx material monster?

The XYZ material does not count as being 'on the field'. For example, a Sangan used as XYZ material does not trigger if sent to the graveyard because it does not count as being on the field. Likewise, they cannot be seperately be affected by destruction effects. Because of this, they also do not satisfy activation conditions like that of Gladiator Beast War Chariot.

What year did these great movies come out three kings magnolia toy story 2 gladiator American beauty being john malkovich?

All came out in 1999 EXCEPT for Gladiator which was released in 2000