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Q: What did both the french and the British colonies want?
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What trade did the french and british colonists want to control?

Both the French and the English colonies wanted to control the fur trade.

Which trade did both the french and the british want control over?

Both the French and British colonist wanted control over the fur trade. The result of the fight was the French and Indian War.

Why did France want to colonize in southeast Laos and Vietnam?

The French wanted to match the expansion of the British Empire

Which trade did both the French and British colonists want control over?

Both the French and British colonist wanted control over the fur trade. The result of the fight was the French and Indian War.

What kind of trade in North America did both the French and the British want to control?

The fur trade.

What trade did both the French and British colonists want control over?

i think they both wanted control over the fur trade

What Political impact did the French and Indian War have on British North America?

As a result of the French and Indian War, the British's attention was drawn onto the colonies for the first time in a long time. Before the war, the North American colonies were profiting from Salutary Neglect, meaning that the British were neglecting the colonies and the colonies were benefiting from it. After the war, the British put more of a tight leash upon the colonies. They stopped the colonies from having independent governments, like the Virginia House of Burgesses. Also, the Proclamation for 1763 was passed, stopping the colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains. The Stamp and and the Tea acts were also passed, the Stamp act being eventually repealed, but the Declaratory act was passed. Basically, the after the French and Indian war, the British kept a tighter leash on the colonies, pushing the colonies towards independence.

Why did the French and British war lead to many taxes in the Colonies?

Britain had to finance its army defending the American colonies to hold off the invading French and their Indian allies. They levied taxes to help pay for this, and many of the American colonists didn't want to pay and organised a revolt.

Why did British want to take over new Amsterdam?

The British wanted to take of New Amsterdam because it lay between the southern colonies and the northern colonies.

Why did Australia and new zealand want to remain dominions of England?

Neither New Zealand or Australia are "dominions of England". Both are independent countries, with a parliamentary democracy. There is The Commonwealth, which is composed of many of the former members of the British Colonies, but not all Commonwealth members are ex British colonies, nor are all ex-colonies members of The Commonwealth.

What did the british government do to help pay the costs of the french and Indian war?

What Did The British Government Want You May Ask?!They Taxed Things That England Needed & Sent A Parliment.

What land did the french and British want?

They wanted the moon