

What did cabinets members provide for the president?

Updated: 9/18/2021
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  • they provide the president: advise
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Q: What did cabinets members provide for the president?
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Who appoints cabinets members and who approves them?

the president appoints and the senate approves

Which cabinets have less direct contact with the president?

Basically, the President decides which cabinet members he will see more often and work with the closest.

What are the president's advisers called?

the cabinets

How does the president interact with the cabinet?

The cabinet members report to the president. They serve at his will. He can call them into his office to talk to him or meet with other people , call them on the phone or send them e-mail. He can ask them for reports on subjects related to their departments.

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What are the jobs of the cabinets?

the jobs were to advise the president

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What power does the president have in the executive branch?

The president can veto the checks.He/ she can sign it . The vice president helps the President. The Cabinets help the president has well.

How did Washington's and Adam's cabinets compare with today's?

George Washington and John Adams had Cabinets that had far less constituents. Also, the appointed members of the Cabinet were generally not paid for their services as much as today's Cabinet members are.

Why does conflict exists in a presidents cabinet?

This is a leading question -- I have not read anything about conflicts in the President's cabinet. In past years, cabinet members have had disagreements for various reasons. Cabinets members used to meet more often so there was more opportunity for personality conflicts.

List of cabinet members of Pope John Paul II?

Popes do not have 'cabinets.' They are assisted in their work by members of the Roman Curia.