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" liberal " is a modern concept and didn't exist in the 18th century. Education in this time period was formal for young boys and men. Women weren't allowed in colleges or beyond reading, writing, and math.

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7mo ago

Classical liberals in the 18th century believed in the importance of education as a means of promoting individual liberty and empowering individuals to participate in society. They advocated for widespread access to education, including for women, and emphasized the cultivation of critical thinking skills and knowledge of the humanities. They also believed that education should be separate from religious institutions to ensure intellectual independence.

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Q: What did classical liberals in the 18th century believe about education?
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What was education like in 19Th century Britain?

Education in 19th century Britain was limited to the wealthy elite, with most children from lower classes having little access to schooling. The Elementary Education Act of 1870 marked a shift by making primary education compulsory for children up to the age of 10, but it wasn't until later in the century that education became more accessible to all social classes. Schools were often overcrowded, with limited resources and focused heavily on rote learning.

Timeline Pre-Colonial to Present Philippine Education?

Pre-colonial period: Education was informal and primarily focused on practical skills like farming, weaving, and navigation. Spanish colonization (16th century): Introduced formal education through religious orders and focused on Christian teachings and Spanish language. American colonization (late 19th to early 20th century): Established a public education system based on the American model, emphasizing English language and western ideals. Post-independence (20th - 21st century): The Philippines continues to have a public education system with influences from both its colonial past and modern educational theories, with efforts to address issues like access, quality, and relevance.

Why are many schools are named after Horace Mann?

Many schools are named after Horace Mann because he was a prominent education reformer in the 19th century. Mann played a key role in developing the American public education system and advocating for free, universal education. His influence and impact on education policy led to many schools being named in his honor.

What is committee of ten in the education reformation?

The Committee of Ten was a group of educators formed in the late 19th century who sought to standardize the American education system. They recommended a curriculum focused on traditional subjects like literature, math, science, and history, which heavily influenced education reforms in the United States.

Who invented the concept of basic education?

The concept of basic education was developed by Horace Mann in the United States during the mid-19th century. Mann advocated for a common school system that provided free, universal education to all children, regardless of their background or social status. His efforts helped establish the foundation for public education in the US.

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Liberals in the late 20th century believed in social justice and equal rights for all. There was a push for gay rights and rights for immigrants in the United States.

Who were the liberals and how did liberalism affect the political developments of the early 19th century?

Liberals in the 19th century were the whigs in England. They had formed into a fairly large party by the mid-19th century.

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Liberals in the late 20th century believed in social justice and equal rights for all. There was a push for gay rights and rights for immigrants in the United States.

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Classical music (as we know it today) has existed since the 9th century and into the present day. The term "classical music" wasn't applied formally until the 19th century.