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Q: What did early scientists before Darwin contributed to the study of evolution?
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Did Charles Darwin create the phrase survival of the fittest?

Herbert Spenser used the phrase first after reading Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species in 1864. Herbert Spenser was a biologist and sociologist and did write about evolution before Charles Darwin

When did Charles Darwin write the theory of evolution?

Darwin worked on his book most of 1859 and it was published 24 November, 1859.The Theory Of Evolution By Means Of Natural Selection, Or The Preservation Of Favored Races In The Struggle For Life.Of course Charles Darwin had been working on this theory more than twenty years before his book was published. He and Wallace both had papers submitted and read in 1858.

Who made the theory of evolution?

The popular view is that Charles Darwin originated the Theory of Evolution. In fact, he was the first to explain in detail just how evolution of species occurs.One of the early pioneers of evolutionary theory is Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, who suspected as early as 1795 that what we call species are various degenerations of the same type. There were probably other pioneers even before 1795, and certainly there were several working on the concept well before Darwin published his The Origin of Species.

Which scientist first put forward the theory that humans evolved from apes?

Charles Darwin was the first person to explain evolution by, what he termed, natural selection. However, Darwin's book Origin of Species only makes small mention of human evolution. In fact, Thomas Huxley, working on the evolutionary basis created by Darwin, was the first person to put forward a book detailing the similarities and differences between apes and humans in his book Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature, which appeared before Darwin properly addressed the issue.

What is the origin of the Theory of Evolution?

Evidence of evolution began to be recognised as far back as the eighteenth century, but naturists could not yet identify an explanation for this evidence. Jean-Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet (1744-1829) was an early advocate of evolution and believed that it proceeded in accordance with natural laws.Thus Charles Darwin (1809-1892) was not the first to study evolution, but he was the first to recognise the role of natural selection in evolution. He had studied medicine, before dropping out and studying taxidermy, then natural history. His father enrolled Charles to study theology, hoping he would become a clergyman. Charles Darwin developed the Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection after observing the evidence for evolution during his voyage in HMS Beagle. The captain of the Beagle was already aware of evolutionary theories that were already beginning to shock Christian believers in Europe, and had hoped that by having a naturalist on board he might obtain geological evidence to refute the them. During the voyage, from 1831 to 1836, Darwin travelled hundreds of miles inland, from country to country, trying to interpret the fauna, flora and geological formations. He then spent a further twenty years gathering and investigating evidence before publishing his conclusions.Darwin's Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection says that species evolved over time in response to changes in the natural environment, and is seen by scientists as the best explanation for the facts. Darwin wrote Origin of Species in 1859 and The Descent of Man in 1871.The English naturalist Alfred Russell Wallace also invented the theory of natural selection, independent of Charles Darwin. However, he believed that natural selection did not apply to humans, because our evolution was divinely guided. In the years since, paleoanthropologists have found ample evidence that human evolution did occur as the result of natural selection, just as the evolution of all other species did.

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What did Darwin say before he died?

There are no signs that Darwin ever reconsidered the basic outline of his Theory of Evolution.

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Thomas Malthus' essay on the tragedy of the commons is thought to be a significant precursor to Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

Who proposed the idea of the theory of evolution?

The idea of evolution was thought of long before Darwin, by a man named Count Buffon. What Charles Darwin did was to successfully come up with the mechanism of evolution, known as natural selection.

What scientist suggested that organisms slowly acquired physical characteristics?

Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution. Strictly speaking, Charles Darwin did not put forward the "theory of evolution". He publish a book called "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection OR The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life". The theory of evolution had been around for a long time, in fact, his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, had proposed evolution 75 years before Charles published his book. Charles Darwin gave us the driving force for evolution - Natural Selection. There had been suggestions for evolution and evidence in fossils well before Charles Darwin. It is just that nobody could work out why until Charles.

Who had a theory before Charles Darwin?

The theory that humans had evolved from animals, was around long before Darwin. Anaximander - an Ancient Greek philosopher was an example of this. Newton, Galileo, and Copernicus had theories long before Darwin--just not theories concerning biological evolution.

When did Darwin theorize evolution?

Darwin published his book On the Origin of the Species in 1859, and many investigators believe that he had much of his theory in place in 1858 or just before.

Did Charles Darwin renounce his theory before dying?

There is no evidence to suggest that Charles Darwin renounced his theory of evolution before his death. In fact, he continued to write in support of evolutionary ideas and even published a book called "The Descent of Man" in 1871. Darwin's theory of evolution remains one of the most influential and widely accepted scientific theories to this day.

What is the name of the british scientist that developed the evolution theory?

The great Charles Darwin is most credited with the theory of evolution, but there were many before him that had similar ideas, and many people since have advanced the science of evolution.

What did charls Darwin do to go to jail?

I THINK because Charles Darwin discovered evolution before everyone believed god create people so they put him in jail because he had proof .

What is the name of the scientist that studied evolution?

An evolutionist.AnswerIt is NOT an evolutionist. An evolutionist is merely anyone who believes in evolution. The name for a scientist who studies evolution as it relates to human beings is an anthropologist and a scientist who studies the fossil record is a palaeontologist.ANSWERThey are known as evolutionary biologists.Strictly speaking, anthropology is split up into a number of disciplines - physical (sometimes known as biological) anthropology is the study of evolution as it relates to human beings. Further to this, scientists who study evolution in the fossil record are known as evolutionary palaeobiologists or simply palaeobiologists.

Did Charles Darwin create the phrase survival of the fittest?

Herbert Spenser used the phrase first after reading Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species in 1864. Herbert Spenser was a biologist and sociologist and did write about evolution before Charles Darwin

Did Huxley writes that the theory of evolution was by no means the sole product of Darwin?

Possible so, as the theory of evolution by natural selection, though his greatest product, was by no means Darwin's only production. Just before he died he produced a treatise on earthworms that is still relevant today.