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Q: What did gandhi want to achieve?
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What sort of goals did Gandhi plan to achieve?


Why does Jack want to fight Gandhi?

cause gandhi is gandoo

How did Gandhi win?

Mahatma Gandhi advocated a policy of non-violent, non-co-operation to achieve independence for India.

What were Gandhi believes?

Gandhi preached nonviolence but believed in civil disobedience in order to achieve equality. He taught that ALL people are equal and should be treated so. He's best known phrase is "Be the change you want to see in the world.". And he lived following that phrase.

How were the public careers of Gandhi and Chavez similar?

Gandhi received an advanced education and Chavez did not.

How did mahatma gandhi show persistence to achieve something remarkable?

[object Object]

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How did mahatma Gandhi showed his persistence to achieve something remarkable?

Mahatma Gandhi never gave up because he was a committed person.

How long did it take Gandhi to achieve independence?

Gandhi began his activism for independence in India in the 1910s, and India gained independence from British rule in 1947. So, it took Gandhi and the Indian independence movement around three decades to achieve independence.

Why do you want to see gandhi ashram?

Only you can answer why YOU want to see this.

Mohandas Gandhi is best known for his?

use of passive resistance to achieve indian independence