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Gutenberg's printing press revolutionized the production of books by allowing for mass production at a faster rate and lower cost. This advancement made books more accessible to a wider audience, which ultimately helped to spread literacy and knowledge across Europe.

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Q: What did gutenburgs printing press do for books and reading?
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The printing press was invented by?

Johannes Gutenburgs, in 1843.

What gave Johannes the idea of the printing press?

His dad printing and selling books so he made a printing press.

What did the Chinese use to make books?

The printing press

Can you put the word printing press in a sentence?

The printing press revolutionized the way information was disseminated by allowing for the mass production of books and newspapers.

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500 books can be produced by one man and a printing press within 5 months, while a copyist can only produce one in the same amount of time.

What was the point of the printing press?

To print books and other things.

What declined as a result of the printing press?

Blockprinting and handwriting books

Which modern invention made the distribution of books even easier than the printing press?

The internet and e-readers have made the distribution of books even easier than the printing press by allowing for instant access to a vast array of digital books that can be downloaded and read on various devices quickly and easily.

What kind of books were printed by the first printing press in the Americas?

The Bible

How did the printing press impact the society?

Initially the greatest impact was that people could have and read their own bible. Then as ordinary people could have access to books reading and education increased.

Before the printing press how were books reproduced?

Before the printing press, books were reproduced by hand. Scribes would copy books by writing out each letter and illustration, making each copy unique and time-consuming to produce. This manual process limited the availability of books and contributed to their high cost.

What product that made books more available?

The development of the Printing Press made books more available