

What did it amply for non-whites?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Q: What did it amply for non-whites?
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What is true about Virginia laws from 1705 that prevented nonwhites from gaining political office?

The Virginia Slave Codes of 1705 made it easier to take away rights from nonwhites in the future. These laws made racial separation and inequality a legislative matter.They made it easier to take away rights from nonwhites in the future

What was the effect of the Boer war?

The peace agreement with the Boers was at the cost of the rights of the nonwhites of South Africa (The start of apartheid). It caused people in Britain to question whether it was right to have an empire. It highlighted the need to reorganise the British army.

Why do we have an apartheid?

The purpose of apartheid was separation of the races: not only of whites from nonwhites, but also of nonwhites from each other, and, among the Africans (called Bantu in South Africa), of one group from another.

The face of the American workforce changed dramatically after world war 2. which of the following was a factor in this change?

Once the majority of young men left for the war that left the factories low on employees to manufacture war items. President Roosevelt had law passed that required the manufacturers to hire blacks and women to fulfill their war contracts with the government. Therefore many Blacks, black women and white women and other nonwhites were hired to manufacture the war items. The employers learned the Blacks and women could do excellent work and some did it better than the white men did. So the women and Blacks began seeking work after the war. By the 1960s the blacks had motivated President Johnson to sign the civil rights act. Later the Equal Rights Amendment came along but it was never ratified. The Women went to work anyway. Many built themselves great careers and entered professions that had previously been dominated by men.

Why did Longstreet not want to go through with Lee's plan at Gettysburg?

He thought that the BARTLE DOG BOILER was too strong. NEW RESPONDENT Longstreet did not believe in the possibility of a successful attack against the center of Federal line on the Cemetery Ridge. Nobody, in his opinion, could frontally break through the enemy lines , under the terrible fire of rifled arms, because the outcome would have been a second Malvern Hill or, better said, a second but reversed Fredericksburg .