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Q: What did king advocate as a response to racial segregation?
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What were some accomplishments martin luther king did?

to stop racial segregation and racial discrimination in the world.

What are a few black people who stood up from racial segregation?

A few black individuals that fought against racial segregation are Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Clarence M. Mitchell Jr.

What did Dr King do to earn Nobel Prize?

He received the Nobel peace price for his work in racial segregation and racial discrimination,through out the civil rights movement

What are the differences between martin Luther king jr and Rosa Parks?

THey both stood up for rights against racial segregation

When did segregation end in the US?

1960s To Be Exact 1968 Answer contribution by The Racial Organiztion Unit (Trou)

What did Martin Luther King Jr do to get a Nobel Peace Prize?

Martin Luther king Jr received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end racial segregation and racial discrimination, through civil disobedience and other non-violent means.

Is Martin Luther King Day a holiday for unemployment?

No, Martin Luther King is celebrated to remember the achievements of Martin Luther King who made a revolutionary idea of ending racial segregation. It is not celebrated as a day for unemployment.

What did Martin Luther King Jr. do in response to the arrest of Rosa Parks?

King organized a boycott of the Montgomery Bus System. In the end, the Supreme Court decided to stop segregation on public transport.

What did Martin Luther King Jr. do in Alabama?

In Alabama, Martin Luther King Jr. played a major role in the Civil Rights Movement. He led the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955-1956, which successfully challenged racial segregation on public buses. He also organized peaceful protests and marches, including the Selma to Montgomery march in 1965, to advocate for voting rights for African Americans.

Did Martin Luther King or Martin Luther King Jr make the famous speech?

Martin Luther King Jr. made the big speech to end segregation and racial acts. His father was not famous. When people refer to Martin Luther King, they're usually referring to Martin Luther King Jr.

Letter from Birmingham Jail?

(1963) A letter that Martin Luther King, Jr., addressed to his fellow clergymen while he was in jail in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1963, after a nonviolent protest against racial segregation

What countries still have racial segregation?

Segregation has occured in countries all over the world, most notably the United States where Martin Luther King fought against racial discrimination through a series of non-violent protests. Unfortuantely, segregation still exists today in many third world countries.