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The US Propaganda that expanding the US border all the way to the Pacific Ocean was the country's "destiny". There is nothing to support this silly idea other than to justify taking what isn't yours.

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Q: What did manifest destiny specifically want to spread?
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What were three causes for us expansion?

The fur trade, cheap land, and the fulfillment of the manifest destiny the belief that many Americans shared that it is America's destiny to spread from coast to coast and overtake all of North America so they could spread the idea of democracy across the world.)

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Manifest Destiny.

What were two reasons why people against manifest destiny?

Im against Manifest Destiny because I do not think the United States should be allowed to go to a place and tell them they want their land. It is just not right it is wrong. and this is my personal opinion and i wont agree to this crap. does anyone agree to this manifest destiny? do you want to allow the United States to come to your home and tell you to get out because they want your land.

Why did the US want the Oregon Country?

It was described as the pioneer's paradise. Lots of trees, water, etc. But it was mainly because of Manifest Destiny, the belief that it was America's duty to spread across the North American continent, which America did do.

What the concept of manifest destiny what did most northerners want?

they desired new industrial markets

Why did the want Oregon country?

It was described as the pioneer's paradise. Lots of trees, water, etc. But it was mainly because of Manifest Destiny, the belief that it was America's duty to spread across the North American continent, which America did do.

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In order to make money in pacific territories and nations.

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The US took Mexico's land after the Mexican-American war. This was triggered by the fact that Wilmot's proposal did not pass the Congress.

How is imperialism linked to manifest destiny?

i do not know but if you get any information please let me know! HaHaHa i don't want to know this gay crap?

Why did many Americans want to limit the spread of the Texas border?

Many Americans wanted to limit the spread if Texas because 1st Texas was no longer a republic sate but was state accepted into the U.S Union act upon Manifest Destiny. But they wanted to make assertive that There were only few ways to enter through the US after all there were many immigrants at this time.