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I guess you mean how did they dress.

From the early 12th century onwards, specific colours of habit were set for the various Orders of monks in Western Europe:

  • Benedictine and Cluniac monks wore black habits (really a very dark grey/brown)
  • Cistercian and Carthusian monks wore white habits (really undyed, unbleached natural wool, so anything from very pale brownish grey to pale ivory colour)

Benedictines and Cluniacs were permitted to wear natural linen shirts under their habits; Cistercians wore no underwear, while the Carthusians wore very scratchy hair shirts.

Monks had their heads shaved in the Roman tonsure, but only at set times throughout the Church calendar, so often they would have had very stubbly growth on the top of the head; Carthusians had the entire head shaved (presumably, as in everything else, to appear more austere and strict than the other Orders).

Simple medieval turnshoes of tan or black leather were worn on the feet and the habit was belted with a tied leather strap. The sleeves of the habit were deliberately made very wide and far too long, completely hiding the hands when fully extended - they were normally worn turned back or crumpled up the arm.

Cowls were worn at certain set times, covering almost the whole head and face.

Benedictines were permitted to wear beards, the other Orders were not - we have a surviving self-portrait of a Canterbury Benedictine scribe-monk in the 12th century who wore a beard.

Additional layers of clothes were allowed in cold climates such as the north of England, where a garment of fur might be worn under the habit.

One particular feature would have been seen in all monks - they were permanently tired. The regime included going to bed around 8 or 8.30 in the evening, only to rise again for the Night Office at around midnight or 2 AM, then a short return to bed before Prime at about 6 AM. Lack of sleep was part of the lifestyle and is something that has been dropped from the routine by most modern monks.

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