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Nuns spent several hours a day in private prayer, they also read and sewed in their free time also. Nuns are were very religious women and prayed several hours a day. They also worked everyday for several hours, then went to bed as soon as all the duties were completed, and woke up to yet another day of praying and endless work !!

Roman Catholic AnswerNun's "free time" under most of the old rules, was usually not "free". There was a hour or so each day termed recreation, when the nuns usually meant for conversation, or perhaps a walk. Occasionally nuns would have a "cell day" which meant they were free to clean up their cells. The Horarium (schedule) usually does not allow specific "free time" outside of recreation, and personal needs.
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Q: What did nuns in the Middle Ages do in their free time?
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The time!✝

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The middle ages wasn't on a continent!! The middle ages was a time period, not an event. : P

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410 to 1400 is the middle ages also known as the "dark ages".

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Monks and Nuns were important in the middle ages because they taught the priests and helped others in need of spiritual salvation at the church.Roman Catholic AnswerThe Middle Ages were a time of great faith. People's lives revolved around the Church and they realized that an eternity in heaven was something that should rule these few short years on earth. The monks and nuns kept alive learning, and history; and reproduced many books that we would have lost otherwise. They contributed to advances in science, farming methods, and kept alive many skills that would otherwise have been lost. There were few towns, and no cities in the Middle Ages, and the monasteries served as centers for a host of things. Mendicants came along towards the end, the High Middle Ages, and did a lot towards spreading faith and love of God.

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