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Q: What did people believe before wegener?
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Why didn't people believe Alfred wegener theory?

because they had no way of explaing how the continents could move

Why did wegener believe that the continents were just one big landmass before?

with he use of precision instrument, scientists were able to understand plate movements so they believe that the continents did move.

Why do you think people didn't believe the theory of continental drift when Wegener first explained it?

why do you think people didn't believe copernicus and galileo when they said the earth wasn't in the center of the solar system

Why do you think people didn't believe continental drift theory when Wegener explained it?

It was inconceivable to them that something as large as a continent might move.

Why did Alfred Wegener believe that the continents were just one big landmass before?

Their shapes fit so well together AND some fossil evidence.

Did Alfred Wegener believe that Earth's climate had changed?

yes he did.

What is the name of the supercontinent Wegener believe once existed?


Why didn't people believe Wegener's theory of continental drift?

they did not believe him and thought he was crazy. they said that there was no way the continents were once connected that would have meant continents could move

What do the people believe before the renaissance?

They believe your mom

Did everyone believe Alfred wegener?

No. The vast majority of geologists rejected Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift. it was not until more than 25 years after Wegener's death that the scientific community began to accept plate tectonics.

Why didn't people believe continental drift when Wagner first explained it?

Wegener had no answer to why the plates were moving and how they were moving but they believed Harry Hess when he discovered seafloor spreading

Why did people believe Alfred wegener after he died?

its not that they started to believe him after he died its just that it was only proved to be true in 1950-60 when the mid-atlantic ridge was discovered and researched to prove his theory to be true This is a grammar failure:(