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Q: What did people eat before Noah?
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Were Noah and his people cave dwellers?

Maybe yes, maybe no, Noah and his people were cave dwellers at one time. The book of Genesis was silent about the lodgings of Noah and his people before the great flood. But afterwards, Genesis 9:21 identified them as tent dwellers.

What did God do before there were Jews?

There were righteous people before that too: Adam, Methusaleh, Noah, Shem and Eber were all before Abraham and were very righteous.

Was Noah considered Hebrew?

Noah is not considered a Hebrew. All of mankind following the flood is descended from Noah. Noah was 10 generations before Abraham who was the father of Judaism.

Does Noah Cyrus eat mccdonalds?

Of course Noah eats at Micky D's. We are big take out people we eat at Milcky D's a lot. But She is not the one that is hard to get out if there its me!! i love staying till midnight playing in the ball pit for hours. LOL - M. Cyrus

Can people eat before a nephrostomy?

Patients should not eat for eight hours before a nephrostomy

Is josh better than Noah?

yes josh is way awesomer than noah. noah is such a wuss & a wimpy kid. josh is way awesomer than noah that he can make noah do the following: pick his nose and eat the boogers;drink wee;eat poo and last of all drink vomit.No i personally think that Noah could kick Joshua's butt Plus my colleague obviously can not spell so there fore Noah is so much better that he could:" he can make josh do the following: pick his nose and eat the boogers;drink wee;eat poo and last of all drink vomit."

What do people do before they eat?

Wash their hands...

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I'd say they used their fingers

Was there rain before Noah's flood?

Of course there was.

Is noah a real name?

Of course Noah is a real name I've met lots of people with the name Noah :)

When God destroyed worlds or people before did he give them ample warning?

Yes, He had Noah warning people all over the place while he was constructing the ark.

What did the ancient Hebrew people ate before the flood?

Prior to the flood in the story of Noah, the Hebrew people were not yet a distinct group; they didn't exist yet.