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It depends on the ancient culture you're referring to.

Ancient China:

It was believed that a dragon was eating the Sun to symbolise that famine and disease was coming. The Ancient Chinese who believed this would form defences around their land to ward off the dragon, preventing famine and disease from affecting them.

They were also used to forecast predictions for the Chinese Emperors. Which was a very risky thing to do, because if you got the Emperor's forecast wrong, you were executed.

Ancient Japan:


And sometimes, earthquakes do actually occur after an eclipse. Although nowadays there is a scientific explanation, related to enhanced gravitational pull during the eclipse, resulting in an earthquake.

Superstitious Ancient Japanese would fire arrows at the eclipse to battle it. Later they even fired Tetsuho's at the eclipse.

(Tetsuho's were the first Japanese gunpowder-firearms, a heavy and extremely inaccurate hand-held cannon).

Ancient India:

Bad luck for pregnant women.

After an eclipse, pregnant women who were pregnant at the time of the event would be protected from doing household work such as weaving, cutting food, sewing and so on. This was to protect their unborn child from deformities and scars from the result of an eclipse-influenced accident.

There were many rituals performed on pregnant women, such as various bathing techniques, to ward off the "unlucky curse".

Ancient Arabia:

Message: It's time to seek forgiveness.

In Islam, the Sun and Moon are both connected to Allah's reverence.

When an eclipse occurs, it was believed that Allah was expressing his desire for the sinful to seek forgiveness and bestow greatness upon him.

Ancient Holy Roman Empire:

It was believed that an eclipse symbolised the wrath of God, casting his anger over man.

It was also seen as a threat from God to Mankind, "I am angry, appease me or Judgement Day will come".

Some Christians still believe this despite scientific evidence explaining the real reasons for the eclipse.

Ancient Babylon:

The Ancient Babylonians were one of the only ancient civilisations to get the facts about eclipses correct.

They were the first civilisation to discover that eclipses were a celestial event, not something caused by Gods or omens.

Ancient Babylonian astronomers were able to successfully forecast solar and lunar eclipses.

Ancient Egypt.

Nobody really knows.

Most of our knowledge of ancient Egypt comes from tomb paintings and temple inscriptions. There are various theories about what Ancient Egyptians knew or thought about solar eclipses, but none of them have solid proof.

The evidence of most Egyptian knowledge, including what they knew about astronomy, mathematics and medicine, was lost in the fire of the Great Library of Alexandria.

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12y ago
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15y ago

Eclipses such as total solar eclipse is important in observing the sun because it blocks the sun's bright body leaving only the corona that make astronomers more helpful in observing the sun's corona.

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9y ago

Eclipses are some of the most interesting and rare natural occurrences of the world. People get excited about them because of the fact that they are a unique phenomena that only a few ever get to experience.

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14y ago

They are a natural event that will not go on forever.

The Moon used to be closer to the Earth and was apparently larger than the sun.The Moon will gradually move further from the Earth and an annular eclipse will be the norm.Not total as it is today.We are just living in the right epoch.

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11y ago

Solar eclipses, sure. Think about it: the Sun is responsible for all life; bad enough it disappears during the night and sinks so low in the winter; if it suddenly turns off in the middle of the day -- whoa!

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11y ago

They thought that an eclipse was an extraordinary sight

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14y ago

eclipses are important because the moon helps us learn about its eclipses and phases, so astronomers can learn about the eclipses and share it with the world.

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15y ago

full moons, people have thought to go crazy. new moons, people our calm and sincere. eclipses, people can do both, but are generally in a happy mood/ interested in whatever they are doing

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11y ago

Various fantasies were related to solar eclipses; it was sometimes imagined that a dragon was devouring the sun.

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9y ago

they use the sun to tell the time but only half of this is the answer

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A Solar Eclipse is a blocking of sun light reaching the Earth. The Blockage is caused by the Moon coming directly between the Sun and the Earth. The Words' Solar ; of the Sun (Latin) Eclipse ; Obscuring (Classical Greek).

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This is so cool. what the f0k eles would we think

When will a solar eclipse happen on Lithuania?

Someday in 2060's, I think.

What phase of the moon creates a solar eclipse?

If you "think" about it - it has to be a full moon.

What can you look through to see an solar eclipse?

special sun glasses. i think.

Explain why lunar eclipses are more common than solar eclipse and why so few people ever have a chance to view a total solar eclipse?

Think about it. To observe a solar eclipse safely, you must have clear skies, sunny days, and either a smokey piece of glass or welder's goggles. To view the sun without protecttion will ruin your eyesight, and so most people will not attempt it again. However a lunar eclipse can be viewed from anywhere on the dark side of the earth, and so a higher number of people have an opportunity. The solar eclipse passes over a very narrow strip of earth relatively quickly too.

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Animals located near the center of a solar eclipse may think that night is coming,and may assume their sleeping positions temporarily.There is no evidence that a lunar eclipse has any effect at all on people or animals.

What colour is the moon in a solar eclipse in Australia?

i think it is black because during eclipse we experience darkness even though it is daytime