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a small sensitive men who are intellegent---->an elite group

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Q: What did people who agreed with Alexander Hamilton believe about the government?
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What kind of gun did Aaron Burr use to kill Alexander Hamilton?

Hamilton and Burr both agreed to use .56 caliber dueling pistols on that fateful day.

How did John Locke James Otise and Alexander Hamilton contribute to the Declaration of Independence?

They had a pice of paper and agreed and argue alot

Why did the southern states disagree with Alexander Hamilton's plan and how did he compromise?

Alexander Hamilton had many plans, be more specific in asking questions please.

George washingtons aid and private secretary who wrote the federalist papers after the war?

Alexander Hamilton. Hamilton did not write all the Federalist Papers. Its generally agreed by historians that Hamilton wrote 51 of the articles, John Jay wrote 5, and James Madison wrote 29.

Did Thomas Jefferson found the Federalist Party?

Alexander Hamilton and James Madisonedit: this is not correct. The Federalist Party was founded by Alexander Hamiltion and John Adams. (James Madison, best buddy of Thomas Jefferson, founded the Democratic-Republican Party)

What did Hamilton and Jefferson agreed to a national capital along?

Hamilton and Jefferson agreed to a national capital along the Potomac River, which separates Maryland from Virginia.

What did Jefferson and hamilton agree on?

They both agreed on foreign policy.

What did hamilton agreed to do to win support for his plan from the southern leaders?

What did Hamilton after to do to win support for his plan from the southern leaders

What was the deal that was made between Hamilton and Jefferson concerning the capital?

Hamilton and Jefferson agreed to a national capitol along the Potomac River.

Why was Alexander Hamilton important to the constitution?

Alexander Hamilton was instrumental in calling for the ratification of the United States Constitution as well as in the proceedings of the ratification. These proceedings were the Constitutional Convention.

Why did the southern states vote for Hamilton's plan to assume state debts?

Hamilton's plan called for lots of federal government to be enacted. This would weeken their trading profits with Britain. Also, Hamilton called for tariffs on imports to protect the 'infant' factories in the north which brought in money for the Government but deeply hurt the southern states because they had to pay a much higher price for machinery.

What stopped Alexander advances into Asia?

Because his army was exhausted,they refused to go any farther. Alexander agreed to lead them home.