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Q: What did pope urban offer people to entice them to join the crusades?
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Related questions

Why pope urban was so important during crusades?

he was first crusades forchristianity people

Who was the leader of the people's crusades?

pope Urban 2

What is the name of the pope that urged people to join the crusades?

The name of the pope that urged people to join the crusades was Pope Urban II.

When did Pope Urban III launch the crusades?

The Crusades were launched by Pope Urban II, not Pope Urban III.

Was the crusades illegal?

no! pope urban 2 said God wanted christian people to kill arabics so the crusades started.

One fact about the crusades?

A fact about the crusades is that people went on the crusades because Pope Urban told them that they would be forgiven for their sins and tht they would automatically go to Heaven.

Where did Pope Urban II call for the Crusades?

He called for the Crusades from Clermont, France.

What did Pope Urban promise to those people who died in the Crusades?

He promised them complete remission (forgiveness) of their sins.

Why do people yell deus vult at the beginning of crusades?

It was a famous quote from Pope Urban II's speech to go off to fight in the Crusades. He said "Deus vult!", meaning "God wills it!", referring to the Crusades.

What was the founder of the crusades?

Pope Urban II.

Pope urban II proposed the?


Who were the crusades launched by?

Pope Urban II