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Q: What did president Roosevelt's attacks on monopolies and trusts come to be called?
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What President was called the trustbuster because he was the first president to break up trusts and monopolies?

The President who was called the trustbuster because he was the first to break up trusts and monopolies was Theodore Roosevelt. He believed in regulating big business to promote fair competition and protect consumers, leading to several antitrust prosecutions during his presidency in the early 1900s.

What is breaking up monopolies called?

what is breaking up of monopolies call

Theodore Roosevelts domestic policy was called what?

It was called the Square Deal.

What president broke up the most trusts?

Theodore Roosevelt called the trust buster because of his efforts to break up trusts and outlaw business monopolies.

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Did Teddy Roosevelts have any nicknames?

As a child Teddy Roosevelt was called Teedie.

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Heart attacks also are called myocardial infarctions (MIs).

Theodore Roosevelt's domestic policy was called?

Theodore Roosevelts domestic policy was called the "Square Deal".

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What term was used to describe roosevelts policies and how accurate was it?

Franklin Roosevelt's new policies were called the New Deal.