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Q: What did revolutionaries want out of the American revolution?
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What Encouraged The Latin American Revolutionaries?

The revolutionaries in Latin America were encouraged by the French Revolution and the American Revolution.

Often called the father of the American revolution this man's writings influenced the American revolutionaries?

Thomas Paine was called the father of the American revolution. His writings influenced the American revolutionaries.

What inspired Latin revolutionaries?

the american revolution

What was the French response to the American Revolution?

They helped the American revolutionaries then had a revolution of heir own.

Which three of the following were motivating ideas for Latin American revolutionary leaders?

The revolutionaries in Latin America were encouraged by the French Revolution and the American Revolution.

Who served as mercenaries in the American revolution and which side?

During the American Revolutionary War, German citizens served as mercenaries in the American Revolution. They were hired by Great Britain to help in their fight against the American revolutionaries.

Did John Locke fight in the revolution?

John Locke was an English philosopher whose writing was inspirational to the American Revolutionaries; he did not personally fight in the revolution.

What did American soldiers call themselves during the revolution?

Revolutionaries or Minutemen(supposedly because they were ready in a minute)

During the revolution the greatest aid was given to the Americans by?

France aided the American revolutionaries against Britain.

What british called colonist that fought?

The British called the colonists who fought against them during the American Revolution "rebels" or "patriots".

What wear people called that fought for independence in the American Revolution?

Can you say "Spell check" ? -Were -People Oooh geeze! There is -Revolutionaries -Whigs -Loyalists and Patriots ~Me!

What were the rights theWhich is an example of a right the American revolutionaries were fighting for American revolutionaries cared about?

The right to a fair trial