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President: Ronald Wilson Reagan (February 6, 1911 - June 5, 2004)

Term: January 20, 1981 - January 20, 1989

Background: Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois to John Edward Reagan and Nelle Wilson Reagan. John was from an Irish Catholic descent, while Nelle was from a Scots-English descent. He was baptized in the Disciples of Christ and later went to Presbyterian churches. His family settled in cities such as Monmouth, Galesburg and Chicago until 1919, which was when they returned to Tampico. Regan began acting in 1937 once he received a seven-year contract with Warner Brothers studios. He starred in the movies Love is on the Air, Santa Fe Trail, Knute Rockne, All American, Kings Row, Tennessee's Partner, This is the Army, Dark Victory, Bedtime for Bonzo, Cattle Queen of Montana, Hellcats of the Navy and the Killers. He also served in the United States Army in the Air Force with the ranking of Captain. Reagan then went on to becoming the 33rd Governor of California and his term lasted from January 3, 1967 to January 7, 1975.

Political Party: Republican

Vice-President: George H. W. Bush

Major Domestic Policy: During Reagan's presidency, he aimed towards the creation of a smaller government, and making the citizens less reliant upon the government and towards his economic policy. The Reagan Revolution occurred, bringing new ideas to the United States economically such as Reaganomics and the Republicans taking back power in the government. The budget and trade deficits soared, and savings and loan bailouts were being used. His presidency marked the time that Republicans received office since thirty years. Reagan's first plan was to lower the inflation and the federal deficit. Reagan also believed in cutting taxes for American's that have higher incomes, which would in return help the economy. Reagan also increased military spending while lower the deficit. The United States ended with an extremely uneven budget of more then $200 billion in a year. Reagan's reelection in 1984 was due to his income tax cuts. He then created a simplified income system in 1986. All of these events lead up to the Stock Market Crash of 1987, but the United States handled its problems and the economy was beginning to increase.

Major Foreign Policy: Reagan experienced many issues with Americans in Central American and the Caribbean. The United States got themselves involved when the Nicaraguans who were helped by the Cuban "volunteers" and exiled the military tyranny of Anastasio Somoza and created the Sandinista government in 1979. The United States supported anti-Sandinista guerrillas. This ended when Congress had apprehension towards another Vietnam and ended giving support. The United States was also supporting opportunities in Latin American countries in order to end the expansion of Communism. American troops were stationed in El Salvador while involved in Grenada. Reagan did immobilize the spread radical revolutions in the Caribbean and Central American. Still the United States had not made advancement in handling with the region's economic, political and social problems. During Reagan's Presidency, the Cold War was close to an end. The USSR received a new leader named Mikahail Gorbachev. Due to perestroika and glasnost, the United States and USSR's relationship was improved. The Soviet Union was known to have given up their ideals on "one-world Marxist domination." In March 1983, Regan began the Strategic Defense Initiative, which was a defense project that would not only involve the ground, but would include space also in order to protect the United States from nuclear missiles. This defense was known as "Star Wars." The Iran-Contra affair occurred in November 1986 when the United States gave Iran guns and weapons to safe the discharge of hostages to fund Nicaraguan Contras. Reagan built up the Army as the INF treaty was signed in 1988 and the Berlin Wall fell in 1989.

Major Supreme Court Decisions:

• Allen v. Wright (1984)-Government influences on third parties cannot be sued by citizens.

• Aguilar v. Felton (1987)-The plan in New York City that sent schoolteachers to parochial schools was in direct violation of the Establishment clause.

Intellectual and Social Development:

• A new Latino and Asian immigrant were set that was more lenient.

• An AIDS epidemic occurred.

• MTV was established and caught the eyes of many television owners as compact discs and cell phones were invented.

Reagan's Legacy: Reagan will be remembered for his meetings with the Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, which eventually led to the peaceful ending of the Cold War. He was noted from the British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to have "achieved the most difficult of all political tasks: changing attitudes and perceptions about what is possible. From the strong fortress of his convictions, he set out to enlarge freedom the world over at a time when freedom was in retreat-and he succeeded." He will also be remembered for his effect communication and conventional ideas. Most of all, he will be remembered for his commitment towards success.

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