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they learned that he fought other people because there was blood from four other people besides him

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Q: What did scientists learn from the clothing of the iceman?
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Why did th scientists study the icemans clothing tools and body?

Scientists studied the iceman's clothing, tools, and body to learn about his lifestyle, diet, and health, as well as the technology and materials used during his time period. By examining these artifacts, researchers can gain insights into the iceman's culture, society, and the environmental conditions of the past.

What clues did the scientists used to learn about the iceman's life?

they used only there bones and other tools !

What other clues did scientists use at learn about the iceman life?

Scientists used various clues to learn about the iceman's life. This included studying his clothing and equipment, such as his well-preserved shoes and carefully crafted arrows. They also examined his diet by analyzing the contents of his stomach and isotopic analysis of his bones. Additionally, they conducted DNA analysis to determine his genetic origins and possible health conditions.

What did scientists learn from the icemans copper ax?

Scientists learned that the iceman's copper ax was made using advanced metalworking techniques for its time, suggesting a sophisticated level of technology. The analysis of the ax also provided insight into the trade and exchange networks of the Copper Age, as the copper used in the ax was not local to the region where the iceman was found.

How did scientists learn about the life of the iceman?

we learned alot about history and how this mans bones did not extract in a couple orf days but hundreds of years!

How old is the iceman?

The Iceman, Is About 5,300 years old according to what the scientists know and what they have figured out.

Why did scientist study the iceman's tools clothing and body?


What is traces of grain in the melted snow and ice is?

How scientists new how many years the iceman lived.

What did scientists learn about it?

Scientists learn a few different things. Scientists learn new things very day.

Why was Otzi the iceman so important to scientists?

Otzi the Iceman was important to scientists because he is one of the oldest and best-preserved mummies ever discovered. His remains provided valuable insights into the life and health of Copper Age individuals, including information on diet, clothing, and health conditions during that time period. Additionally, his discovery helped advance our understanding of ancient cultures and human migration patterns.

How were x rays used on Oetzi Iceman?

X-Rays were used and also the Scientists used Radio Carbon Dating which then told and answered many of the Scientist questions about when the Iceman lived and many more.....

What do you call scientists that learn about the past?

Scientists that learn about the past are called historians because they learn about history/past.