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Q: What did sequoyas wife think of his alphabet?
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What does abcdefghijhutnhfyhegrjjeerkrithy stand for?

i think its the alphabet

IS there a city that does not have a letter of the 'A alphabet in it?

I think the answer is no

Where do you think omega comes in the Greek alphabet?

Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet.

How did Douglass teach himself the alphabet?

Mrs. Auld, the master's wife, taught Frederick Douglass the alphabet and how to read until it was no longer allowed, by law.

If you think this alphabet is easy then you must be?

The answer is : Joking

Why did the alphabet change?

I think it was because it was to short

What did each symbol of the Phoenician alphabet represent?

each symbol of the phoenician alphabet represented a consonant.

Why is there the letter a in the alphabet?

because it is the first letter in the alphabet and it needs a starting point. I think it's not the answer but yeah.

Why is the letter d 4th in the alphabet?

I think it's because it fits well in the alphabet song? LMAO

Can you see a Indian alphabet?

i think the Indian alphabet was destroyed some time in the late 15 00's

Do you think learning the Chinese alphabet is difficult?
