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what role did slaves and indentured servants play in the colonies

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Everything from raising children of plantation owners, to building roads and planting/picking crops.

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to work for the colonists

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Q: What did slaves do in the thirteen colonies?
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Slaves were held in all thirteen of the original colonies?

Slaves were held in all thirteen of the original colonies. Or True.

Where the Slaves that originally came to the thirteen colonies?

Those people are dead.

Where in America were slaves sold?

All over in the thirteen origonal colonies.

How were slaves treated in the Caribbeans 1800?

In the 1800s, slaves in the Caribbean were often subjected to harsh and brutal treatment by their owners. They were forced to work long hours in sugar cane fields and other plantations under deplorable conditions, with minimal food, clothing, and shelter. Many suffered abuse, punishment, and lived in constant fear of violence.

What effect did the middle passage have on the Africans?

The Middle Passage had devastating effects on Africans, as millions were subjected to brutal conditions during the transatlantic slave trade. Many Africans suffered from malnutrition, disease, and death during the journey. The trauma and brutality of the Middle Passage had long-lasting physical and psychological impacts on the survivors.

Did they have slaves in the southern colonies?

Slavery was banned for about thirty years in the 1700s but yes there was slavery when agrilcultuere became a popular way to make a living.

What year were slaves first brought over to the thirteen colonies?

1617, down the Hudson River in a Dutch Warship.

What was life like for people living in the thirteen colonies?

people had a hard time doing stuff so slaves did it for them

Why did the slaves in the original thirteen colonies have to be black?

Because African Americans had never lived in America...they were foreign... The white people used them as slaves, because they thought lowly of them.

Which came first the revolutionary war or the thirteen colonies?

The thirteen colonies. When we won the war, the colonies became the first thirteen states.

What were the conditions for africans in the thirteen colonies?

They were treated horribly, as slaves to white men. There were no free slaves in the time of the 13 colonies and although the British would outlaw slavery not long after, America kept slavery for a longer peroid of time.

How was life back in the thirteen colonies?

Life back then was hard and had lots of trouble. Especially for slaves. Many people owned plantations.