

What did sunnis believe what did shia believe?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What did sunnis believe what did shia believe?
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Are hamas sunnis?

Mostly Sunnis But many of them are converting to shia because of seeing successes of Shia Hezbollah.

Sunni and shia which represents the majority today?

I fink it's Sunnis.. :)

Where are the sunnis and shia located?

they are both Muslims and located all over the world.

What are the sunny and the shia?

The sunni and the shia are two different branches of Islam. They had the same belief at one point, but then the beliefs changed. Some differencess are, sunnis believe everything in the ocean is halal (halal means clean for Muslims to eat) while shias eat no shelled fish (except for shrimp) or fish without scales. Sunnis cross their arms while praying, shias keep their arms at their sides. Sunnis believe abu bakar was the first caliph after prophet muhammud, shias believe imam ali ( they believe he's prophet muhammud's successor) was the first caliph.

Which is on right path shiite or sunnis?

& I have a firm belief that Shia Muslims are on the right Islam. Sincere Muslim I believe Sunni Muslims are on the right path of Islam. Sincere Muslim

How can marriage be possible between Sunnis and Shiites if Shiites do not believe in the Caliphs while Sunnis do?

shia Ulama believe that if a shiite Woman wants to marriage with Sunni man then this marriage is execrable or Makrouh , of course most of them also says that this kind of marriage is forbidden. also a Siite man can marry with a Sunni women.

Are most Muslims in Bahrain Sunnis or Shiites?

the majority of people are shia Muslims. but government is sunni.

Who are the Sunnis and the Shiite?

Sunni Muslims are Muslims who do not believe in Imamat as one of five pillars of Islam. and Shia Muslims are Muslims who believe in Imamat as one of five pillars of Islam. and Kurds are an ethnic living in Kurdistan and are mostly Sunni Muslims.

What are the names of the two sects of the Islamic faith?

It is mainly not called two sections. Shia and Sunnis are both Muslims, but they have a slight difference in their way of Islam. A Shia Muslim can't let a Sunni Muslim enter their mosque because he is a Sunni. It goes the same for Sunnis as well.

Are there more sunni or shia in the world today?

Sunnis. By FAR. But its ridiculous that muslims are fighting others based on minor differences in belief. I know its hard to believe. HAHA Get it? I know it was a lame joke lol Salam

What is the difference between sunnimuslims and Shea museums?

The main difference between Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims is their beliefs regarding the rightful successor to Prophet Muhammad. Sunnis believe that the leader should be elected, while Shia believe it should be a descendant of the Prophet. There are also some differences in religious practices and interpretation of Islamic teachings between the two groups.

Where do sunnis and shi'ites live?

in many countries. but shia Muslims mainly in Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Pakistan, Azerbaijan and more. other Muslim countries are mainly sunni with minor shia population.